
Rare Facts about Call Of Duty (COD) | The OPGaming

1] Have you ever think that what was the name of the first game of Call Of Duty ? Call Of Duty Classic or Call Of Duty-I was the first game launched by the
Call Of Duty game series. The game was developed on the basis of world war -II. The game also have some characters name on the basis
of the army or fighter which were present in the world war-II. If you are biggest fan of Call Of Duty series game, you must try this game.
 I think the game will be available to you from Amazon.

2] Call Of Duty game series have sold more than 255 Million copies of Game. The franchise of Call Of Duty has achived this milestone. So
you can think how big is the franchise of Call Of Duty Series.

3] Call Of Duty game is also called with a code name Medal of Honor Killer. The game have given this type of name because, The Medal of
Honor was best first person shooting game before the launched of Call Of Duty games. After the launch of Call Of Duty games, the game
was suppressed by the establishment of Call Of Duty franchise. Gamers started to love Call Of Duty games and the graph of medal of honor
goes on decreasing, so therefore the Call Of Duty is also called as Medal of Honor killer.

4] Call Of Duty modern warfare 3 was the fastest selling game of Call Of Duty franchise. The game have sell nearly 8.6 million copies within
a month.

5] China is the only one country which have China's Exclusive Cod online game. The game is only for the chinese people in China. The game
consist of all the multiplayer game like modern warfare and many more which they can play in single game ie China's Exclusive Cod online game.

6] Call Of Duty Mobile game was already launched early, and it was the biggest failure for  Call Of Duty series.  Call Of Duty mobile game
was launched in nokia mobile. For single player the game was fine, but for playing multiplayer you have to connect through bluetooth.
So you can think that the game was lagging a lot and it created huge problem which causes its failure. But now the  Call Of Duty mobile
game lauched by tencent games have created huge success for  Call Of Duty mobile games.

7] Every year the  Call Of Duty franchise released one game with certain new features and updates. And the zombie mode used in  Call Of Duty games
are inspired by flash game title The Last Stand.

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